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Traction Inverter

The traction motor is one of the core power components of new energy vehicles, whose function is to convert the electrical energy of the power battery into the mechanical energy for the forward movement of the traction vehicle. The performance difference of traction motors will directly lead to the high or low power performance of electric vehicles. High voltage, high speed, large torque, wide speed range, and strong overload capacity are all their performance requirements, which require their driving systems to have high reliability, steady-state accuracy, dynamic performance, and other characteristics.
3PEAK provides a rich range of analog products including signal chains, interfaces, digital isolation, power management, gate drives, system monitoring and reset, covering voltage and current detection, power switch driver, auxiliary power supply, system operation diagnosis and protection, CAN/LIN communication, and other application needs, providing users with a one-stop solution.

Traction Inverter Block Diagram & Products

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    ISO9001, 1SO26262, IEC17025, ISO22301, IATE16949(for Subcon)

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